OceanExpress CR

Design, development and deployment of a website for a logistics company.


Modern, user-friendly and multilingual website.

The project involved the complete redesign and development of a website for a logistics company with an outdated online presence. The primary goal was to create a modern, user-friendly and multilingual website that reflected the company’s commitment to personalized service. Additionally, the site needed to be bilingual, catering to both Spanish and English-speaking audiences.


As the sole contributor, my role encompassed the entire project lifecycle—from gathering client requirements to design, development, and deployment.

Technologies Used

  • Design: Figma
  • Development: Astro, React, Tailwind, i18next
  • Consideration: Opted for Astro over Next.js to maintain optimal Lighthouse scores for a predominantly static content site.

Challenges Faced

The main challenge was to transform an outdated website into a modern, bilingual platform while ensuring it remained performant and user-friendly.


Utilizing Figma, I translated client requirements into a visually appealing design. The development phase was executed using Astro to maintain excellent Lighthouse scores, and I incorporated React components for enhanced functionality.


The OE website now boasts a contemporary design that aligns with the client’s vision. Its bilingual feature caters to a broader audience, enhancing user engagement and providing a seamless experience.


The OE project exemplifies my ability to deliver a comprehensive solution—from design to development—for a logistics company seeking a modern and bilingual online presence. The streamlined process and attention to performance showcase my commitment to delivering high-quality results.